Restoring Backup on New Server
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Last modified on 12/15/2009 6:16 AM by User.


Restoring Backup on New Server

This article assumes that SQL Server or SQL Server Express is already installed on the new server and there is no installed instance of DiaMed.  If you need assistance with this process, please call Chiron Data Support directly. 

Restoring Backup on a new server 

Step 1 - Creating New DiaMed Database
(Target of Restore in Step 3)

a)  Run SQL Server Management Studio

b)  Connect to new server using SA or an administrator login.

c)  Once connected, expand the server.

d)  Right click the Databases folder and click New Database

e)  Enter DiaMed as the database name.

f)  Note the path from the Path column in the Database files grid. 
    See image below:

g)  Right click the Databases folder and click Refresh from the context menu.

Step 2 - Creating New DiaMedApp User

a)  Expand the Security folder. 

b)  Right click the Logins folder and click New Login... 

c)  Use the following information to create a login
        Login Name:  DiaMedApp
        Select SQL Server Authentication
        Password:  <<Request Password From Chiron Data Support>>
        Click OK

Step 3 - Restoring the Database

a) Expand Databases

b) Right click the DiaMed database and select Restore...

c)  Select the From Device radio button and click the [...] button to select the backup file.

d)  Browse and select the backup file and click OK when complete.

e)  Click the checkbox in the bottom grid in the Restore column.

f)  Click the Options page found near the top right of the dialog.

g)  Click the Overwrite the existing database Restore Option

h)  Confirm that the Restore As path is exactly the same as the path/file name recorded in Step 1-f

i)  Click OK when notified the restore was successfull.

j)  Expand Security_Schemas and delete schema DiaMedApp 
    *If schema not found, continue to next step

k)  Expand Users 

l)   Right click the DiaMedApp user and click Delete and select OK  on the following dialog.

m) Right click Users and click New User...

n)  Use the following information to create the new user:
        User name:  DiaMedApp
Login name:  DiaMedApp
        Select Database Role membership: db_owner

o)  Click OK

At this point, the move is complete and you can point your client at the new server.