Application Platform Technolog…
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Last modified on 2/2/2010 4:44 PM by User.


Application Platform Technologies

The DiaWEB disease management web application was built using the following technologies:

ASP.Net MVC/C# (.Net 3.5 SP1)
This is the primary development platform.

LINQ (.Net 3.5 SP1)
Linq is the tool used for building the ORM used by the data access layer to communicate with the SQL Server database.

jQuery 1.3.2
Javascript Framework used for all site manipulation and Ajax data transfer.

DHTMLX Scheduler 
Ajax Schedule component used for calendar and schedule functionality.

Microsoft Silverlight 3
Silverlight 3 is used as the report client.  This allows the reports to be rendered in a printable format and easily converted into other useful document types such as pdf, rtf, and excel.  Silverlight was also used with the document upload control in order to display a progress meter while documents are uploading.

Windows Communication Foundation (.Net 3.5 SP1)
WCF is used by the Silverlight report control to access to the data layer.

SQL Server 2005/ SQL Server 2008  (Express versions as well)
The DiaWEB and DiaWEB_Attachments database catalogs are built to be compatible with all versions of SQL Server 2005 and 2008.

Internet Explorer 7/8
The formatting of DiaWEB is designed around the IE 7/8 HTML rendering engine.