Administration objects in DiaWEB (Programs, Insurance Carriers, Health Care Providers, Education Topics, etc.) are exclusive of the Health Care System in which they were created.
Additionally, certain objects can be:
- Only possible in a Multi-System/Enterprise installation
- They are shared across all systems
- They are available to all users, but can only be created, edited or deleted by Enterprise Administrators
- In the code, these objects implement IMultiSystemObjtect
Have an Education Focus
- Only possible with the setting "IsOrnishModuleActive = true" in the System table. With this setting, certain objects will have an Education Focus that can be "Ornish" or "DSMT"
- Once created, objects will be available only when the user has logged in on DiaWEB into an Education Center with the same Education Focus
- In the code, they implement IMultiSystemObjectWithModule